Cloud Collaboration is an intuitive and secure virtual meeting space where teams collaborate using HD audio, video, messaging and desktop sharing all within a single application. With just one click, teams can join meetings from any one of their clients to participate in an interactive multi-media collaboration session.
Collaboration with Cloud Communications
Increase collaboration during meetings and everyday communication using FirstDigital’s Cloud Communications Solution.
How does Cloud Collaboration increase collaboration?

Easy to Use
No end-user training to worry about, or endless calls to your help desk.

HD Audio and Video
Bring the team closer together, when travel isn’t an option.

Improve Productivity
Improves meeting promptness and productivity, which minimizes costly wasted time.

Empower Virtual Teams
Empowers virtual teams to collaborate securely in any media form.

Everyone can join from anywhere, regardless of location or time zone.

Increase Guest Participation
Guests can easily participate, extending collaboration beyond the walls of your company.
Technology that Brings People Closer Together
- Video has been proven to increase intimacy, interaction and understanding among distant colleagues.
- Sharing content during meetings is another way to make them more interactive.
- Messaging during meetings provides quick and immediate ways of communicating without interrupting the flow of the call.
Meet your communication and collaboration needs.
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